Acoustic Enclosures

We are leading manufacturer and supplier of Acoustic Enclosures located in Pune, Maharashtra.

Why We Cannot Neglect Noise

Any sound that is not pleasant to the human ear is called noise.

Many types of equipment generate noises that are higher than human comfort level. A healthy human ear responds to a very wide range of SPL (Sound Pressure Level). The threshold of hearing is at 0 dB. SPLs in the range of 100-120dB are uncomfortable and SPLs above 130 dB are painful.

The permissible noise level for a working duration of 8 hrs per day as per OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) regulations is 90dB (A)

Industrial Noise, if neglected may have severe impact on the human beings. Some of the adverse effects of high noise levels are briefed below

Annoyance: Noise creates annoyance to receptors due to sound level variations. The aperiodic sound, due to its irregular occurrences causes displeasure to hearing and causes annoyance.

Physiological effects: The physiological parameters like breathing amplitude, blood pressure, heart-beat rate, pulse rate, blood cholesterol are affected.

Loss of hearing: Long exposure to high sound levels may cause loss of hearing.

Human Performance: The working performance of workers/humans is many a time affected as they lose their concentration.

Nervous System: It causes pain, ringing in the ears, feeling of tiredness, thereby affecting the functioning of the human system.

Sleeplessness: It affects the sleeping; thereby inducing the people to become restless and lose concentration and presence of mind during their activities.

Noise Reduction Techniques

Noise reduction techniques can be broadly specified as

Control at source: Noise can be controlled at the source of generation itself by employing techniques like proper maintenance, control over vibrations (proper foundation, use of rubber pads as isolators). This control is limited to some extent.

Using protective equipment: Ear plugs or ear muffs can safeguard to some extent, but oral communication as well as audio sensory is suppressed by their use.

Control in transmission path: Barriers or Acoustic Enclosures are commonly used in this technique.

A sound source is enclosed within a paneled structure such as a room as a means of reducing the noise level at the receiver.

Such a room is called as Acoustic Enclosure.

The actual difference between the sound pressure levels inside and outside an enclosure depends upon two main parameters:

Transmission loss of enclosure panels

Acoustic absorption within the enclosure

To surround such equipment with sound absorbing material in the form of an enclosure is the most logical means to overcome the noise pollution in an industrial environment.

We have designed and manufactured tailor made Acoustic Enclosures for various industrial applications. The following is the list of applications for which we have designed, manufactured and supplied Enclosures/ Acoustic Enclosures as per the customer’s requirement.

Generator sets Engine Test Cells

Noisy Machines Pump Units

Control rooms at site

Hydraulic Power Packs.

Power Presses.

Testing Laboratories (at site.)

Compressor Units

Forming machines and Presses

Brake Dynamometers

Ultrasonic welding machine

Blower units